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Awareness Days

On Awareness Days students do not have their normal timetabled lessons. Each Year Group has Awareness Days tailored to the needs of the Year group as identified by the pastoral and Enrichment Team.

Year 7

Yorkshire Wildlife Park Visit – Year 7 have a visit to Yorkshire Wildlife Park. This is to support their settling into the Academy and ensures all students experience a visit in their first year at the Academy. As part of the visit students learn about work that combats global warming and about the different job opportunities available when working with animals. A big focus of the day is getting students to work together to focus on the concept of community.

Year 8

Stay Safe Day - Year 8 have a Stay Safe Day with the Lincolnshire Stay Safe Team. There are five key sessions throughout the day:

Online Safety - The positives of the internet, cyberbullying, malicious communications, tips to keep safe online, signposting.

Healthy Relationships – Types of Relationships, qualities in a relationships, domestic abuse definition and types of abuse, coercive control, signposting to support.

Anti- Social Behaviour – What is Anti-social behaviour, perceptions of actions within the community, what crimes are ASB and what are crimes?, how ASB is managed, gang recruitment, signposting for support.

Fire Safety – Hoax Calls, how quickly a fire spreads, charging electricals, testing smoke alarms, having an emergency plan, support.

Alcohol and Drug Awareness – Explanation of alcohol and how it affects the body, units, safety precautions, what is a drug, what they are used for, classes. Will also cover specific drugs like cannabis, nos, edibles. Based on student knowledge, signpost to support.

All sessions are delivered by appropriately trained external visitors from the council, We Are With You, Lincolnshire Police and Lincolnshire Fire and Rescue.

Equality Day – Year 8 also have a day those focuses on equality. Throughout the day there is a focus on discrimination with specific sessions on racism, disability and misogyny. Each year the day is reviewed and adapted with the Year Team to ensure the sessions tackle any issues that may take place in the Year Group.

Year 9

University of Lincoln Visit ­– students in Year 9 visit University of Lincoln to learn about university as an option for the future and to gain an understanding of the huge variety of different courses that are available. As part of the day, they are given a tour, three academic workshops and a workshop that helps them find degree courses they may be interested in.

Bi-annually Year 9 also attend our Careers Fair where they meet a range of employers and further education providers.

Year 10

Stay Safe Day - Year 10 have a Stay Safe Day with the Lincolnshire Stay Safe Team. There are five key sessions throughout the day:

Online Safety - The positives of the internet, fraud, money muling, extreme views, exploitation, fake news, signposting support.

Healthy Relationships – Domestic abuse definition and types of abuse, coercive control, stalking and harassment, cyberstalking, signposting to support.

County Lines – What is county lines, definitions and slang terms, how are people groomed into county lines through scenario, signposting for support.

Road Safety – Working as a collision team investigate students will work through a Lincolnshire fatality to see who was at fault and how it could have been prevented. Looks around distractions like peer pressure and mobile phone use when using the roads.

Drug Awareness – What is a drug, what they are used for, types / classes. Will also cover specific drugs like cannabis, nos, edibles. Drug dealing, dangers and unpredictability of drug strengths, signpost to support.

All sessions are delivered by appropriately trained external visitors from the council, We Are With You, Lincolnshire Police and Lincolnshire Fire and Rescue.

Health and Mental Wellbeing

Year 10 have a day that focuses on health and wellbeing. This include sessions being delivered on STIs, contraception and exam stress by experts.

Bi-annually Year 10 also attend our Careers Fair where they meet a range of employers and further education providers.

Year 11

Exam stress and wellbeing

Year 11 have a day that focuses on exam stress and wellbeing. This includes guest speakers giving motivational talks and tips on how to revise successfully and cope with exam stress.

Bi-annually Year 11 also attend our Careers Fair where they meet a range of employers and further education providers.

Year 12

Community Morning – Year 12 have a morning of team building games that help new students to the academy develop friendships, Year 12 develop relationships with Year 13 and help to develop a feeling of community within the 6th Form.

UCAS Fair – Year 12 students visit the University of Lincoln UCAS Fair where they can meet many universities to discuss the different options they offer.

Next Steps – Year 12 are offered a day to explore next steps – this can be a university visit, day with an employer or visiting another educational institute.

Bi-annually Year 12 also attend our Careers Fair where they meet a range of employers and further education providers.

Year 13

Community Morning - Year 13 have a morning of team building games that help new students to the academy make develop friendships, Year 13 develop relationships with Year 12 and help to develop a feeling of community within the 6th Form.

Bi-annually Year 13 also attend our Careers Fair where they meet a range of employers and further education providers.

In addition to our Awareness Days students also have numerous visitors throughout the year as part of assemblies.