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‘Awareness’ is delivered by Form Tutors each week during Personal Development. At the heart of our Awareness Programme are four strands which cover elements of Personal Development such as PSHE, SMSC and RSE. The strands of Awareness are:

  • Community - our community sessions are all about existing alongside others in harmony. Key topics include managing personal emotions, showing empathy, respect and resilience and looking after the environment. Forms of prejudice and discrimination are discussed and challenged including those of stereotyping, bullying and racism. Students are encouraged to discuss their thoughts on these topics in a safe environment
  • Careers and the Wider World - as an academy, we aim to provide our students with a skillset that will allow them to flourish when they leave us at the end of a successful journey. Much of this skillset comes from a rich and varied curriculum, the rest is provided through awareness sessions and off-timetable days. Sessions on career pathways and utilisation of external visitors from many different industries support students in planning their next steps after life at the academy. For the younger students, an introduction to responsible money management and financial risk sets them up to be able to handle their own income and control their expenses. Student’s rights are explained to them, both in terms of their human rights and their rights as consumers of goods both physical and digital. This strand also encourages students to begin to take responsibility for their own safety when travelling, working or spending time with friends as well as how to avoid illegal and illicit activities. There are strong links between our Personal Development Programme and our Careers Programme which can be viewed on our website here.
  • British Values - we ensure the Priory Academy LSST promotes the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, and mutual respect and tolerance for those with different faiths and beliefs; and encourage students to respect other people, with particular regard to the protected characteristics set out in the Equality Act 2010.
  • RSE and Health – our primary goal is to equip students with the knowledge to create maintain positive and healthy relationships in all aspects of their lives. Sessions on trust, connections with others and expressing emotions support students in their ongoing relationships with family and friends and those on romantic and sexual attraction, intimate relationships and consent prepare students for new types of relationships they may be exposed to as they progress through the academy. External speakers combined with form time awareness sessions are utilised to offer expert advice to students on all aspects of their personal health including self-examination, dental health and the importance of sleep. Our RSE provision can be found here

Many elements of these strands are also delivered elsewhere as well, for example much of our Careers Programme is delivered by the Careers Team and element of RSE and Health are delivered by the Science Department.