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We at The Priory Academy LSST aim to deliver an inclusive and enriched curriculum by enthused, passionate and specialist staff.  Our students’ learning experience stimulates and excites them to learn more, with a curriculum which values creativity and imagination alongside skills, facts and powerful knowledge.

Through offering a curriculum which suits our academic context and integrates our academy values, we build a solid foundation, with relevant life-long skills, in which all of our students can excel and have the confidence and courage to challenge themselves.

We instil positive attitudes through very high standards, modelling expectations and learning from each other. Our well established routines support an academic curriculum which is underpinned by the ethos of the English Baccalaureate. Purposeful lessons are characterised by immediate engagement, challenge, effective questioning, review and responsive teaching. Our curriculum sequences powerful knowledge and skills, which stimulate imagination and encourage progressive reflection. There is a high expectation of and by all staff to participate in continuous and effective Professional Development. We foster an appreciation of the world through a comprehensive awareness programme promoting positive well-being and an understanding of British values. Both our staff and students build inclusive communities across and within year groups enabling a vibrant house system to flourish and ensure ever widening participation. Together we offer an impressive array of extra-curricular activities, which further enhances engagement with academy life and is captured within the Priory Passport and the offer of a Priory Baccalaureate qualification.

Our curriculum at The Priory Academy LSST enables students to engage with the wider world as well-rounded individuals who have acquired the requisite knowledge, skills and character to equip them to become global citizens.  They are tolerant of others, continue to learn and engage productively in society.

Our students with SEND are enabled to access the curriculum and full range of opportunities that are available.  Where adjustments are required, we provide the appropriate support to ensure that needs are met, and all students are able to successfully progress to the next stage of their chosen pathway.

We are proud of our broad and balanced curriculum offer.  All departments take the delivery of Key Stage 3 content very seriously and can clearly demonstrate where the National Curriculum is delivered throughout Years 7 and 8.  Departments go beyond what is expected and deliver a deeper and richer curriculum using the expertise in their department’s staffing, alongside the formidable facilities available.

Furthermore, the options that students take at LSST broaden their experiences rather than narrow them with over 90% of our students entered for the English Baccalaureate (compared to 40% nationally).  This is because over 90% of students are entered for a Modern Foreign Language.  Incredibly, around 17% are dual linguists.  Approximately half of the students opt for Triple Science.  All students either study History or Geography with significant numbers choosing to study Arts based subjects.  We rightly believe that having a GCSE in Modern Foreign Language is part of a strong profile for students making applications to both the selective and Russell Group universities, which LSST students do in significant quantities.  All of our students build their cultural capital based on this curriculum while accessing a vibrant extra-curricular offer.

For further information regarding our curriculum please contact




Curriculum Structure



Year 7 

We deliver English Baccalaureate subjects for all students.  These are English, Mathematics, Science, a Modern Foreign Language, History and Geography.

Students have a preference between German or French 

Creative and technical subjects include: Art, Music, Drama, ICT, Technology and Computer Science.

We deliver Religious Education and Physical Education for all students

Students also have a Priory Baccalaureate lesson.  This is a research and enrichment lesson delivered by the humanities department.

All content is based on the National Curriculum outline for all subjects. 

Year 8

We deliver English Baccalaureate subjects for all students.  These are English, Mathematics, Science, a Modern Foreign Language, History and Geography.

Students have a preference between German or French 

Creative and technical subjects include: Art, Music, Drama, ICT, Technology and Computer Science.

We deliver Religious Education and Physical Education for all students

Some students add a second MFL according to aptitude.

Students also have a Priory Baccalaureate lesson.  This is a research and enrichment lesson delivered by the humanities department.

All content is based on the National Curriculum outline for all subjects. 

Year 9-11

We deliver English Baccalaureate subjects for all students.  These are English, Mathematics, Science, a Modern Foreign Language, History and Geography.

Students start two further subjects selected under guidance during Year 8 which could be academic, technical or creative GCSEs (see list below).

Students will take a GCSE examination in RE at the end of Y10.  All other subjects are examined at the end of Y11.

Art, Craft & Design 


ICT (Creative iMedia)  

Business Studies 


Media Studies 

Computer Science  




Fashion and Textile Design 

Physical Education 

Design & Technology 

Separate Sciences 

Food Preparation and Nutrition  


Year 12/13

Thirty five subject courses are running in 2019-20, of which thirty are A level courses and five are Level 3 vocational courses as listed in the prospectus. 

Only Further Maths is taken as an AS at end of Year 12. 

All other courses complete after a full two years.


Lesson Structure


Assessment for Learning is met on a daily basis throughout all lessons. It is embedded in classroom activities tailored to the needs of all students; teacher, peer and self-assessment of class and homework; valuable and constructive feedback; and challenging and stimulating lessons. Summative assessment takes place as per departmental guidelines, usually each module. 


Module Grades and Reporting

Year 7 SATs scores are based around a mean score of 100, where previously national curriculum levels ranging from 1 to 8 were awarded. As a secondary school we receive the raw scores attained in the SATs and in some cases a teacher assessment of above/at/below age related expectations.

Based on national research and good practice in other schools, we use this data to issue a pathway for Year 7 and 8 of Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum.  Each pathway incorporates a range of predicted attainment grades depending on a student's starting point. In Year 9 onwards a specific individual target grade is set in every subject for each student.  These target grades, if achieved, would ensure students out perform national rates of progress.

Parents and carers are sent a report at the end each module, which will always contain a grade indicating a student's attitude to learning and, at least twice a year, are given a teacher judgement on a student's current level of attainment.   Attitude to Learning grade descriptors can be found within year group handbooks under the Parent > Safeguarding tab.

In addition, parents are provided with a yearly written report containing more detailed information on their child's achievements. There will also be an opportunity for parents to meet subject teachers and discuss their child's progress on an individual basis in the annual Parents' Evening.

Sixth Form

Students progress on to the Sixth Form where, again, there is a very wide choice of subjects.  Students typically study three subjects.  In addition, students can study for the Extended Project Qualification (EPQ).  More detailed information can be found in the Sixth Form Prospectus.