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Priory Contract

The Priory is a community of learners.  Every member of this community has a responsibility to each other, which we have outlined in the Priory Contract.  The Contract is signed by students, parents/carers and staff.

As a student I pledge to ...
1. Have the highest possible expectations for what I can achieve at The Priory and beyond
2. Behave well in class, in school, to and from school and whilst on Academy activities
3. Wear my uniform smartly and in accordance with the Academy's expectations
4. Attend the Academy every day
5. Focus on learning - make every lesson count
6. Complete my homework thoroughly and on time - work independently
7. Set myself challenging targets and devise appropriate plans to achieve them
8. Commit to extra-curricular activities
9. Participate positively in Academy activities
10. Take responsibility for the environment and the wider community
11. Inform a member of staff if I am concerned about anything or anyone

As a member of staff, where relevant, I pledge to ...
1. Ensure that students achieve their full potential
2. Be proactive in ensuring excellent student behaviour
3. Ensure that students wear their uniform appropriately at all times
4. Encourage the highest levels of attendance
5. Ensure that lessons are highly effective and result in learning - make every lesson count
6. Set and mark homework in accordance with Academy policy
7. Assess progress, and ensure that students are both aware of and achieving their targets
8. Support and contribute to the Academy's extra-curricular and residential programme
9. Support and run events in the Academy
10. Develop community links for the promotion of positive educational activities
11. Be aware of student concerns and communicate them effectively and appropriately

As a parent/carer I pledge to ...
1. Encourage my child to make the best possible use of the opportunities provided
2. Support the Academy in ensuring that my child appreciates the Academy's views on the importance of good behaviour
3. Support the Academy in enforcing the uniform expectations
4. Encourage my child to achieve the highest levels of attendance and communicate with the Academy on attendance issues
5. Support and help foster a positive attitude to learning
6. Encourage the completion of homework
7. Work with my child to set targets for progress
8. Encourage my child to take part in at least one extra-curricular activity
9. Encourage my child to take part in Academy activities
10. Encourage my child to contribute to the community through voluntary or charity work
11. Communicate any concerns I have to the appropriate member of staff